Wednesday, September 25, 2024

First Anniversary Of Martyrdom Of Hakim Mohammed Said. (1999-14)


Hakim Mohammed Said a many faceted personality, Physician, Visionary, author, bibliophile, idealist, innovator, organizer, philanthropist and educationist -- embraced martyrdom on Saturday the 17th October 1998 at 6.02 am as he was about to enter his clinic.

By and large it was through Hakim Mohammed Said’s untiring efforts that the WHO accepted Tibb as an Alternate Medicine. It was his main aim that the Hakim, the Doctor and the Scientist should work jointly as a triumvirate, for “Health for all by the year 2000”. As a physician, he treated 3 million patients.

Shaheed Hakim Mohammed Said was held in high esteem by anyone who came in touch with him so long as he lived. His magnanimous qualities of head and heart were so endearing. He was a herbalist, a physician a scholar and researcher, an able administrator, an astute planner, a visionary and an educationist all at once. He loved children and children loved him. Like a statesman, his eyes were fixed on the next generation.

He was sought by the sick and he made himself freely available to them without ever charging a fee. He was a philanthropist and a lover of knowledge. He was a true Muslim and died in a state of fasting which was his wont. He was a pious and abstemious man whose heart bled for humanity.

Each of these peerless qualities in the modern world he demonstrated with deeds which are now a part of history and which exhort us to cherish his memory.

Shaheed Hakim Mohammad Said never shirked humanitarian and national duties whenever he was called upon to play his part-as a Federal Minister of Tibb, as a Governor of the Province of Sindh, as a consultant and as an advisor.

He represented Pakistan ably in more than one hundred fifty national and international conferences and congresses in which he presented scholarly papers. These words are shy of a fuller narrative of his achievements and contributions, but his Madinat al-Hikmah the city of education, science and culture is a living symbol of all he stood for. It is a solid witness to his single-minded determination to usher in, single-handedly, a renaissance of the Glory of Islamic learning.

At Madinat al-Hikmah he now lies in peace which was his dearest dream--the benison of peace through love and dignity of mankind, peace through mutual understanding. May his soul rest in Peace, Amen.

Born on 9th January, 1920, Hakim Mohammad Said migrated to Pakistan on 9th January, 1948 and founded his Hamdard Dawakhana at Karachi. Sole proprietorship of Hamdard Dawakhana (Waqf) was converted into Islamic Waqf on 1st April 1953. Business activities and welfare activities were. carried out by Hamdard (Waqf) itself.

Later, it was considered appropriate to administer and control the charitable unit separately and independently from the business unit hence HAMDARD FOUNDATION PAKISTAN was established.

Where as HAMDARD EDUCATION SOCIETY of Pakistan was established to perform educational activities of Hamdard (Waqf).

MADINAT AL-HIKMAH Inspired by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Hakim Mohammed Said established Madinat al-Hikmah the City of Education, Science and Culture in the vicinity of Karachi in 1983, where the following educational institutions have since been established and are functioning.





5. HAMDARD UNIVERSITY: Hamdard College of Medicine and Dentistry

Hamdard College of Eastern Medicine

Hamdard Institute of Management Sciences

Hamdard Institute of Education and Social Sciences

Hamdard Institute of Information Technology

Dr Hafiz Mohammad Ilyas Institute of Pharmacology and Herbal Sciences Centre for Horticulture and Hydrochemistry Lab.

BAIT AL-HIKMAH It is fully equipped with latest facilities and is one of the largest libraries in South Asia.


Shaheed Hakim Mohammed Said was deeply interested in the development of children of Pakistan. Throughout his life he worked for their health, education and development by establishing the following.


NAUNEHAL SHAHR (CHILDREN’S CITY) where children will receive education through recreation. A full-fledged children’s literature division, NAUNEHAL ADAB was established to produce good quality books.

NAUNEHAL BOOK CLUB which has a membership of over five thousand. The Club has played an important role in promoting book reading among children.


SHAM-I-HAMDARD now MAJLIS-E-SHOORA --- HAMDARD THINKERS FORUM: Dialogue with a galaxy of prominent scientists, historians. culturists, educationists, writers, poets, physicians, intellectuals, scholars, lawyers, economists, jurists, journalists etc.


Wrote and edited over 200 books both in Urdu and English languages. Published more than 500 articles on Islam, medicine, history and philosophy of science etc. Regular publications included.

1. Monthly Unesco Payami (Urdu version of UNESCO Courier), 1977-90

2. Quarterly Hamdard lslamicus-1978 continued

3. Quarterly Hamdard Medicine-i 957 continued

4. SPEM, Bulletin of the Society for the Promotion of Eastern Medicine-1958-1967

5. Medical Times (Fortnightly) -1963-1987


Advisor/Federal Minister to the President of Pakistan on Tibb, 1979-82. Governor of Sindh 19th July 1993 to 21st January 1994.


1. D.Sc. “Medicina Alternative” The International Multidisciplinary Scientific Society on Alternative Medicine-i 984.

2. Sitara-i-Imtiaz, Pakistan 1966

3. Sadiq Dost Award, from the people of Bahawalpur through Commissioner of Bahawalpur, Pakistan

4. Certificate of merit from the Institute of History of Science and Technology, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey 1981

5. Islamic Medicine Prize, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, Kuwait 1982

6. Winner of the Novosti Press Agency’s (USSR) Abu Ali lbn Sina (Avecenna) International Prize for 1989

7. World No-Tobacco Day Medal Award-1995 from World Health Organization

8. Award conferred by the Pakistan League of the United States of America, New York, 1996 for services in the field of health, education and social work

9 Outstanding Pakistani Award by the Rotary Club Islamabad Cosmopolitan--i 996



1. President, Institute of Health and Tibbi (Medical) Research

2. Secretary General, Society for the Promotion of Eastern Medicine (SPEM)

3. Founder, Awaz-e-Akhlaq Movement

4. President, Society for the Promotion and Improvement of Libraries (SPIL) Pakistan

5. President, Pakistan Historical Society

6. President, Ibn-e-Khaldun Education Society

7. President, Institute of Central and West Asian Studies

8. Member, Board of Governors, Sindh Madressah-Tul-Islam

9. President, Cancer Association of Pakistan

10. President, Pakistan Tibbi Association


1. Member, Administrative Council of the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture, UNESCO, Paris, France

2. Member, Executive Committee, International Union for Health Promotion and Education, Paris, France

3. Member, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, USA

4. Associate Member, Royal Society of Health, London, England

5. Member, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Paris, France

6. Member, International Council for Health, Physical Educational, Recreation, Sport and Dance, USA

7. Member, The Institute for Advanced Research in Asian, Science and Medicine, USA

8. Member, American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, USA

9. British Society for History of Science, England

10. Vice President, Board of Trustees of the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences Kuwait

11. Member, History of Science Society USA

12. Member of the Planetary Society USA

13. Chairman, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Pakistan Chapter

14. International Trustee Duke of Edinburgh’s Award London


To commemorate the occasion Pakistan Post Office is issuing a commemorative postage stamp of Rs 51 denomination on October 17, 1999.

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