Saturday, May 4, 2024



The diversity of landscapes and climates in Pakistan allow a wide variety of trees and plants to flourish. Similarly, the fauna of Pakistan also reflects its varied geography and climates. Around 668 bird species occur, including many migratory species coming from Europe, Central Asia and Russia. The flora and fauna of Pakistan suffer from a number of problems - many linked to habitat change and land degradation. Only 5.2% (4.2 m ha) of Pakistan's total area is under forests. The rate of deforestation does not commensurate with the rehabilitation efforts.The illegal hunting of animals is resulting in decreasing wildlife population in the country.The share of public investment including federal PSDP and provincial ADPs, is disappointedly very low. Resultantly, growth and yields of forests declined sharply and revenues from this sector shrunk.

Programme Objective:

The Prime Minister of Pakistan while considering a summary submitted by the Ministry of Climate Change decided to revive forestry and wildlife resources in Pakistan under the "Green Pakistan Programme". The main objective of the programme is to facilitate transition towards environmentally resilient Pakistan by main streaming notions of adaptation and mitigation through ecologically targeted initiatives covering afforestation, biodiversity conservation and enabling policy environment.

Thematic Objective:

The thematic objectives of the programme towards reviving forestry and wildlife resources in the country are given as under:

Forestry Sector:

A)           One hundred million new indigenous plants, including 20% fruit plants, over next five years will provide platform to make the country green and •serene as under:

a.            One thousand Avenue Miles of Canal Side/Roadside Plantations in Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh

b.            Historic Irrigated Plantations of Changa Manga, Daphar, Bahawalpur and Chichawatni

c.             Olive and KikarPhulai forests in Kala Chitta, PabbiRasul and Fort Monroe scrub forests of Punjab

d.            Mangrove forests in Karachi and Badin alongwith Scrub hill forests of Khirthar range in Sindh       Juniper forests of Ziarat and Chilghoza forest in Suleiman Ranges of Balochistan

f.             Watershed and Soil Conservation Plantations and Operations in Gilgit-Baltistan and AJK moist tropical forest areas (Reserved as well as Community Forests)

g.            Guzara forests in Murree/ KotliSattian and Hazara and Protected forests of Malakand region in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

h.                            Dry temperate forests in FATA (Orakzai, North Wazirastan Agencies etc.)

B)            Strengthening policy milieu for conservation of biodiversity.

a.            Approval and launching of National Forest Policy.

b.            Approval and implementation of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

c.             Establish strategic support units at national and provincial level to ensure smooth implementation of ongoing green initiatives and plan future activities on sustainable basis.

C)            Supporting communication measures and demand mobilization for an environmentally resilient Pakistan.

a.                            Projection of best practices of Gr en Pakistan Programme through media and at international forums.

b.            Capacity Building of provincial forestry and wild life departments to support afforestation, awareness campaigns and human resource development for sound natural resource management and bio­diversity promotion.

Wildlife Sector:

The aim of the project is to revive and functionally reorganize ,wildlife departments at provincial/AJK & GB level through development of time bound plans including capacity building and incentive driven performance regime. The implementation of these plans shall be ensured through technical assistance of Ministry of Climate Change to revive wildlife sector in the country.

A)           Reorganization of wildlife departments through time bound plans

B)            Capacity building of provincial wildlife departments.

C)            Improve performance regime through incentivized mechanism. Protected Areas (PAs) management and wildlife conservation in Pakistan is a provincial subject. The Provincial/territorial Governments have set up their wildlife departments, which conserve, protect and manage wildlife and PAs under their respective wildlife legislations. However, policy formulation, liaison with international agencies, conventions and coordination with provincial/territorial authorities is carried out at federal level by Forestry Wing, Ministry of Climate Change.

On Green Pakistan Programme, the commemorative postage stamps of Rs.8/-of each denomination (03 Stamps) are being issued by Pakistan Post on February 09, 2018.

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