Thursday, November 9, 2023

"New Political Map of Pakistan - 2020" December 25, 2020 (2020-11)


1. After revoking Article 370 on 5 August 2019, India issued new Political Map which included Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ&K) and Gilgit Baltistan (GB) as part of Indian occupied territories. Apropos, Government of Pakistan approved new Political Map of

Pakistan on 4 August 2020 while considering following aspects:-

a. New map should reflect aspirations of the people of Pakistan - a reference for future generations.

b. To show Pakistan's stated position with respect to Jammu & Kashmir, Siachin and Sir Creek.

c. To highlight illegal occupation of Jammu & Kashmir by India.

d. Correction / reiteration of historic stance on Jammu & Kashmir while projecting Pakistan's perspective both inland & abroad -The Kashmir cause.

2. To commemorate this historical milestone, it is recommended that a special postal stamp depicting new Political Map of Pakistan be issued on 25 December 2020. The stamp shall depict the changes made in the new Political Map of Pakistan as elaborated below:-

a. Complete Jammu & Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan shown as part of Pakistan with International Border marked accordingly.

b. Complete Jammu & Kashmir including Gilgit Baltistan (including Indian Occupied Parts) shown in one distinct. colour.

c. Gilgit-Baltistan regional boundary with rest of Jammu & Kashmir drawn distinctly.

d. Following annotation written within Indian Occupied Part:-

Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (Disputed Territory-Final Status to be decided in line with relevant UNSC Resolutions)

e. Line of Control (LOC) marked in red dotted line in accordance with own stance with respect to line north of point NJ 9842 up to Karakoram Pass. Annotation indicating LOC as under:-

"The red dotted line represents approximately the line of control in Jammu & Kashmir.  he state of Jammu & Kashmir and its accession is yet to be decided through plebiscite under the relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions."

f. A word AJK written along LOC with following annotation:-

"AJK stands for Azad Jammu & Kashmir as defined in the AJK Interim Constitution Act, 1974."

g. Working Boundary marked with appropriate annotation. h. Annotation for FRONTIER UNDEFINED added:-

"Actual boundary in the area where remark FRONTIER UNDEFINED appears, would ultimately be decided by the sovereign authorities concerned after the final

settlement of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute."

i. Border with India on Sir Creek reflected as continuous riband Key "International boundary along the eastern bank of the Creek" added.

Pakistan Post is issuing a Speical Postage Stamp of Rs 20/- denomination on "New Political Map of Pakistan - 2020" December 25, 2020.

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