Thursday, November 9, 2023

Kashmir Solidarity Day February 5, 2020 (2020-2)


The affinity between the people of Pakistan and Indian Occupied Kashmir is very old due to mutual ideological, religious, cultural and geographical bonds, 5th February is an expression of this indelible relationship. Solidarity Day is commemorated with a commitment by people of Pakistan to extend their moral, political and diplomatic support to Kashmiri brethren for their just right of self-determination as envisaged in the UN resolutions. It is also observed to eulogize the innocent Kashmiris, mercilessly brutalized and traumatized by Indian Occupation Forces. Puppet Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah was forced to resign on 19 January 1990 and 'Governor Rule'was enforced in IOK under Jagmohan Malhotra, well known for hatred against Muslims/ Kashmiris. He straightway unleashed a new reign of terror. Indian forces launched so-called cordon and search operations in Srinagar and molested many women. As news spread, thousands of people took to the streets of Srinagar against this shamefully grievous crime of Indian Military. Menacing occupation forces under Governor's orderindiscriminately fired at peaceful protesters and killed over 50while injured hundreds of innocent civilians. These mass killingsof 21 January 1990 are one of worst massacres in the historyof Kashmir.

This carnage shocked Pakistan and a nationwide strike was observed on 5th February 1990. People overwhelmingly expressed solidarity with aggrieved Kashmiris and stressed upon international community to take cognizance of India's atrocious and inhuman attitude. Subsequent year, Government of Pakistan officially designated 5th February as 'Kashmir Solidarity Day', which has now become an important national ritual, when cross-section of Pakistanis renew their pledge of solidarity and unflinching support for Kashmir.

Governments as well as people of Pakistan have always stood firmly by their commitment to Kashmir cause. Pakistan's domestic as well as foreign policy has always been well disposed towards settlement of this dispute as per aspirations of Kashmiris duly mandated by UN resolutions. Kashmir cause has been top priority for successive governments hence raised at every national and international forum. India, which itself took this unfinished agenda of partition to UN, has been dillydallying its settlement as enshrined in UN resolutions of 5th January 1949. Rather, it embarked upon suppressing and muzzling Kashmiri men, women, children through massive presence of military and security forces under draconian law of 'Armed Forces Special Powers Act'. These occupation forces routinely employ torture, detentions, rapes and killings to silence the voices of freedom but in vain. Statistically speaking, last Thirty years have witnessed 95,478 Martyrdoms of innocent Kashmiris including 7,136 in Custody, while 109,449 Structures were Destroyed Damaged, 11,175 Women were Raped, 22,911 Women were Widowed and 107,784 Children rendered Orphans.

Scenario has worsened after extremist Hindu BJP assumed power in India. It started intermittently violating ceasefire along 'Line of Control' as well as ambitiously embarked upon a plan to assume power in IOK. Kashmiris were reeling under worst flooding but puppet regime in Srinagar as well as Delhi government went ahead to orchestrate yet another sham elections rather than providing rescue, relief and rehabilitation. Sagacious Kashmiris voted in large number to keep BJP at bay but it still became second largest party by winning in Hindu dominated Jammu region and vying to cobble an alliance now. BJP has a nefarious design to alter the status of IOK as a Muslim majority disputed region. However, Freedom loving Kashmiris are determined to resist and frustrate this evil design.

Foregoing in view, 'Kashmir Solidarity Day' is of immense importance this year, when egion is passing through a much tumultuous period. Kashmiris today need much stronger support of Pakistan so as to attain their right of self-determination, which remains an unfinished agenda of 1947 partitions and forgotten promise of international community. Kashmir Solidarity Day is being observed every year as such and the people of Pakistan and their sympathizers abroad hold programs to convey to the Kashmiris that they are not alone in their struggle for securing their right to self-determination.

On Kashmir Solidarity Day, Pakistan Post is issuing a Commemorative Postage Stamp of Rs. 20/- denomination on February 05, 2020.

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