Saturday, November 11, 2023

Japan's International Cooperation Towards Pakistan. October 22, 2019 (2019-5)


Diplomatic relations between Pakistan Japan were established on 28th April, 1952 and have remained traditionally friendly and historically conflict free. The mainstay of bilateral relationship has been economic and commercial, with Japan being a key development partner, a major investor and a significant export destination for Pakistan. Total trade between Pakistan and Japan in 2018-2019 was US$ 1.94 billion. Pakistan and Japan have signed several MoUs/Agreements in various sectors for mutual benefit. About 86 Japanese companies have made investments in Pakistan. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is engaged in About 40 projects through grant aid, loans or technical cooperation.

Since 1954 Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Pakistan has forwarded on basic economic and social infrastructure projects. JICA's Technical Training Programme involves the transfer of knowledge and technology required for administrators, technicians and researchers as well as field workers. Technical cooperation is designed in order to enable people to become self-reliant, solving their problems through their own efforts which leads to sustainable development of Pakistan.

JETRO, the lead Japanese agency monitoring global business trends and advising Japanese businesses, rated Pakistan at number three and number one in its surveys of 2017 and 2018, respectively, in Asia in terms of business growth expectation, profitability and employment has also been very helpful in attracting Japanese investor interest in Pakistan. Major Japanese companies including Mitsui, Sojitz, Morinaga and Ajinomoto have already set up their operations in Pakistan during these past few years. Establishment of PTV, Indus Highway, Digitalization of telephone system, Kohat Tunnel, are among the many projects carried out with Japanese financial and technical assistance.

Japna's priority areas of assistance in Pakistan include energy, improvement of the investment climate and promotion of industries, agriculture and rural development. In the field of human security and improvement of social infrastructure, it includes health, water and sanitation, disaster management and education.

The signing of Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) on Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) in February 2019 is an important step forward in enhancing cooperation in human resource development.

The Commemorative stamps are being issued at the occasion of the President of Pakistan's visit to Japan to attend the enthronement ceremony of Japan's new Emperor. It is in commemoration of Japan's important role being played in the socio-economic development of Pakistan in various fields, mainly, infrastructure development, water supply, education and vocational training, disaster prevention and disaster risk management.

The commemorative stamps depict the following:

(i)            JICA expert teaching at Construction Technology Training Institute (CTTI)

(ii)          An irrigation expert working on the survey on the water amount of a waterway with Pakistani counterparts.

(iii)         Technology transfer at Pakistan Readymade Garment Technical Training Institute.

(iv)         Kohat Tunnel, the 1.9 km tunnel as a part of the Indus Highway, known as the symbol of friendship between Japan and Pakistan.

On occassion of Japan's International Cooperation Towards Pakistan, the Commemorative Postage Stamps of Rs.20/- each denomination (set of 4 diffrent stamps with 2 labels in the center) are being issued by Pakistan Post on October 22, 2019.

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