Sunday, May 12, 2024



1. History of Pakistan Army is replete with tales of its brave soldiers who have always been forthcoming to defend this motherland and in this way, have also laid their lives, whenever and where-ever. It is an Army that carries a history of passing through number of tests in its short history of six decades. Like every other resilient nation, Pakistan also remembers its martyrs in golden words. The sacrifices made by these men have been acknowledged at all levels by every citizen of Pakistan. To keep these spirits high, Pakistan Army celebrates 30th April as Yaum- e-Shuhada every year since 2010 in order to pay tribute to martyrs from cross section of society who have laid down their lives for the sovereignty of Pakistan and security of its habitants.

The day is marked to remind the Nation about the sacrifices of civil population, law enforcement agencies (LEAs) including Armed Forces and Police. This day also highlights the distinctive achievements of the Government of Pakistan in fighting the menace of terrorism and its determination for the future.Basic idea behind this event is to acknowledge the sacrifices made by our brave soldiers by holding ceremonial parades at all garrisons of the country and a ground ceremonial military parade on Shuhada monument at General Headquarters. The event is attended by high level military and civil dignitaries, foreigners and selected Next of Kins (NOKs) of shuhada who share their experiences and resolve with the audience. Ever since its conception and intial holding in 2010, the event is widely covered by national print and electronic media by publishing special supplements and a special telecast of TV programmes with reference to this day.

2. The objectives of Yaum-e-Shuhada are:-

a. Pay tribute to Shuhada.

b. Project the role of LEAs including Army and Police.

c. To inculcate the national spirit and acknowledgment of sacrifices of martyrs at national level.

d. Image building and morale boosting of LEAs and the public.

e. To interact with the families of martyrs and share their grief.

3. Although the objectives of the event have started to appear in Armed Forces where complete personnel in uniform fully acknowledge the importance of this day and bow their heads in response to sacrifices made by their fellow men in the line of duty. However, like 6 September, which is celebrated each year at national level to remember the martyrs of 65 & 71 wars, 30 April too needs a broader space in national sepctrum. Since 9/11, this nation has lost more than 35000 people across the country in numerous terrorist attacks and more then 4000 personnal of law enforcement agencies have laid their lives in law enforcement operations. To make it an important day at national level, the civil society and complete population needs to be made aware of its significance through different means at national level. It will not only strengthen the resolve of the people of Pakistan to eradicate the menace of terrorism and extremism from their society but will also inculcate a sense of pride and belonging to those who are at the fore front of this struggle. It will be a befitting answer to all those misconceptions and rumors that are spread from time to time to malign this struggle and portray it as a foreign war. We need to remind our people that this war is being fought to safeguard our own sovereignty and security. People from all walks of life need to understand that the success of this effort is necessary to ensure a bright and prosperous future for our generations to come. This synergy of thinking and effort can only be achived through unified dedicated efforts of all echelons of the Government with the civil sector. Today, it is a humble beginning but there can be no doubt that it can be moulded into a national effort of powerful impact in the near future. The issue of a commemorative stamp on the occasion of Yaum-e-Shuhada 2012 will bring this event into the notice of a common man throughout the length and the breadth of Pakistan. It will pave the war for national recongnition of this day and a wide spread participation from all walks of life in years to come.

On the occasion of Yaum-e-Shuhada 2012, Pakistan Post is issuing a commemorative postage stamp of Rs.8/- denomination on April 30, 2012.

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